Monday, October 17, 2022

Angular Packages

 Angular Packages (

@angular/animations - Animations library

@angular/common - Required. commonly-needed services, pipes, and directives.  HttpClientModule

  • /http/HttpClientModule - Configures the dependency injector for HttpClient with supporting services for XSRF
  • /http/HttpClientJsonpModule - Configures the dependency injector for HttpClient with supporting services for JSONP

@angular/compiler - Required. Angular's template compiler

@angular/core - Required. Critical runtime parts of the framework.  Component, Directive, dependency injection, lifecycle hooks

  • NgModule - Decorator that marks a class as an NgModule and supplies configuration metadata.  Used in app.module.ts
  • Component - Decorator that marks a class as an Angular Component and provides configuration metadata that determines how the component should be processed, instantiated, and used at runtime.  Components provide data to the view.
  • Directive - Decorator that marks a class as an Angular Directive.  Directives are used to add additional behavior to an existing DOM.  CSS attributes for example.
  • Injectable - Decorator that marks a class as available to be provided and injected as a dependency.  A service is an example of an injectable.
  • OnInit - A lifecycle hook that is called after Angular has initialized all data-bound properties of a directive.

@angular/forms - Support for both template-driven and reactive forms

  • FormsModule - Rely on directives in the template to create and manipulate the underlying object model.  Template-driven Forms use mutable data with two-way data binding to update the data model in the component as changes are made in the template.  Change detection is less efficient at determining when updates are required
  • ReactiveFormsModule - Provide direct, explicit access to the underlying form's object model.  Reactive Forms use immutable data.  Each time a change is triggered on the data model, the FormControl instance returns a new data model rather than updating the existing data model
  • FormControl - Tracks the value and validation status of an individual form control

@angular/platform-browser - Everything DOM and browser related

  • BrowserModule - Exports required infrastructure for all Angular apps. Used in app.module.ts

@angular/platform-browser-dynamic - Includes providers and methods to compile and run the application on the client using the JIT compiler.

  • platformBrowserDynamic - Used in main.ts and implements AppModule in app.module.ts

@angular/router - The router module navigates among your application pages when the browser URL changes

  • RouterModule - Adds directives and providers for in-app navigation among views defined in an application.
  • Routes - service that provides navigation among views and URL manipulation capabilities

Support Packages for Angular

rxjs - implementation of Observables

  • Observable - represents a stream, or source of data that can arrive over time

tslib - runtime library for TypeScript 

zone.js - Angular relies on zone.js to run Angular's change detection processes when native JavaScript operations raise events

Angular Development / Build Dependent Packages

@angular-devkit/build-angular - Angular build tools

@angular/cli - Angular CLI tools

@angular/compiler-cli - Angular compiler, which is invoked by the Angular CLI's ng build and ng serve commands

@types/jasmine - TypeScript definition files for 3rd party libraries such as Jasmine and Node.js

jasmine-core - Packages to support the Jasmine test library.

karma - Packages to support the karma unit test runner.





typescript - The TypeScript language server, including the tsc TypeScript compiler.

Additional Packages used with Angular

@angular/material - Material Design components for Angular

@angular/cdk - Material Design Component Dev Kit (CDK) is a set of behavior primitives for building UI components

@azure/msal-angular - Microsoft Authentication Library for JavaScript Angular Wrapper

@azure/msal-browser - Microsoft Authentication Library for JavaScript v2 browser package

@microsoft/microsoft-graph-client - Microsoft Graph API JavaScript client library

@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap - Bootstrap components for Angular

jest-editor-support - unit test runner based on executing directly in Node

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Power BI DAX add Column from another table

 Power BI DAX code to add a column to a table from a lookup / LOV table.

This example adds the "Airline Carrier's Name" to the Air Tickets table using the Airline Carriers IATA ID.

Airline = LOOKUPVALUE('Airline Carrier'[Airline],'Airline Carrier'[CarrierCode],'Air Ticket'[CarrierCode])
